Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Lookin' out 'cross this town
Kinda makes me wonder how
All the things that made us great
Got left so far behind

This used to be a peaceful place
Decent folk's, hard workin' ways
Now they hide behind locked doors
Afraid to speak their mind

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
There'll be justice all around

Someone let the fences go
Wild eyed bunch moved in, you know
Shootin' up the streets, shoutin' everybody down
The dogs all runnin' loose

Wrecked the paper, closed the school
Tired old judge got roughed up too
No one left to make a stand
They whisper what's the use

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
And there'll be justice all around

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
Think we need a gunslinger
And there'll be justice all around

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
And there'll be justice all around

-John Fogerty

The tyrant's Constitution

"(Missouri's)Tuesday's vote was seen as largely symbolic because federal law generally trumps state law. But it was also seen as a sign of growing voter disillusionment with federal policies and a show of strength by conservatives and the tea party movement."

Yes, you are correct, now that the Constitution no longer exists Federal law usually does trump state law.

Read the rest HERE

Good for Missouri, now they must fight for it. I hope they win.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Clockwise or Counterclockwise?

The direction this country is swirling down the toilet I mean. I can't remember which is which in the Northern Hemisphere. I think it's counter, anyway...

If THIS doesn't get the point across nothing will. WE ARE DOOMED!

By Michael T. Snyder via Seeking Alpha
Linked from SurvivalBlog

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where do we go from here?

A Constitutional Republic. A nation of laws. A nation in which all men are created equal, endowed with the self-evident, unalienable right to freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. A nation founded by men weary of tyrannical oppression by a distant king.

The men sequestered in the stifling rooms of the Pennsylvania State House knew what was at stake in their endeavor. The birth of a new nation free from tyranny, or more oppression from King George. They knew the only direction to this end would lead them to war with the most powerful army on earth. These men, all of them, had much to lose. They were the elite, the merchants, the shipping magnates, the farmers and land owners. They could continue with life as before, a life of comparative luxury to their working class compatriots. Instead they chose to risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to follow the only course they could. A new nation, and war.

These men set about declaring their independence from England. They began to draft one of the greatest documents ever written by any government. Our own Declaration of Independence. The document defines the concept of a free and independent people and provides a long laundry list of grievances under King George's rule.

What these few men did is not trivial. It should not be taken lightly nor should it be forgotten. Nor should we forget the sacrifices of the soldiers, the wives and the average citizens who all came together under one cause. Freedom.

Four years after the war the government set about the task of deciding on what form this new government would take. The United States Constitution was created to that end. This document is unique in all of history. For the first time a government had been created of the people, by the people, and for the people. The document defined the purpose and limitations of our federal government. The individual state and citizen were to have rights beyond that of the federal government, this was a new concept. Today, the U.S. Constitution is still the template for freedom when any peoples wish to declare their independence from a tyrannical government.

So, why the brief history lesson? To emphasize just how far we have fallen in the last 230 years, and to express just how precious this thing is that they created. Unique in all of human history.

I am not going to continue with the typical party bashing. I am not going to disparage our president. What people need to understand is the problems we face today have nothing to do with political party affiliation or the current administration. Every party and administration that has existed from the time of the ratification of the Constitution up to this day have slowly destroyed it. Deliberate or not. People need to get off their party band wagons and hop on the Constitution band wagon. Some years, and some administrations are worse than others. Our enemy is a progressive socialist government and all the players are infected to some degree.

The following is the list of grievances delivered to King George in the form of our Declaration of Independence. I won't list all of them, but I will list most of them, the ones that have bearing on the state of our country today. I will also comment when appropriate to compare then and now. Substitute the “He” with “The progressive socialist government”

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

  • The progressive socialist government passed the Health Care reform bill knowing full well 2/3's of the country opposed it.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

  • The progressive socialist government frequently met during late hours, holidays and weekends with the intent to limit opposition to their bills. Opposition to the legislation were frequently threatened and coerced in order to return favorable votes.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

  • The progressive socialist government repeatedly appoints judges which conform to their social agenda without regard to the Constitution

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance

  • The progressive socialist government has created new positions for every conceavable social program and sent them out to do their biding all the while causing racial and political tension throughout the country.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

  • The progressive socialist government created the North Command in direct violation of Posse Comitatus. The purpose of the North Command is to oversee military operations within our own border.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

  • The progressive socialist government is now in league with the United Nations drafting various legislation to conform to the view of “World Court”. Chiefly among these is the attempt by the UN to compel countries to adopt their position on the trafficking of small arms in direct violation of our Second Amendment. Also, the UN push to establish international rights of the child which will usurp the rights of the parent.

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

  • Not sure of this one. I'm not betting against it having happened during Katrina, however...

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

  • The progressive socialist government continually protect and shield federal law enforcement officers who murder, manufacture evidence, steal from, rape, and falsely imprison our citizens.

  • The progressive socialist government frequently employ unsigned warrants, no knock warrants, taser and trigger happy law enforcement officers who leave behind a wake of dead, innocent victims.

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

  • The progressive socialist government has created, through legislation, a trade environment that is more beneficial to foreign companies than our own. The taxation and regulation of our own companies has driven them, along with the jobs, to overseas location.

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

  • The progressive socialist government has no regard for Habeus Corpus and has frequently imprisoned people without charges or convictions for long periods of time.

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

  • The progressive socialist government has exercised Extraordinary/Irregular Rendition and Torture by Proxy in order to transport SUSPECTED terrorists to other countries where they may be tortured or questioned with impunity

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

  • The progressive socialist government repeatedly ignores our own Constitution in order to further their agenda

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

  • The progressive socialist government has recently tallied votes from the representatives of U.S. Territories in order to gain majority for legislation to reissue a moratorium on Gulf of Mexico oil drilling. Those representatives votes are not to be counted for the purpose of legislation.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
  • The progressive socialist government frequently marginalizes and condemns opposing groups. Frequently incites racial tension, especially with Mexican illegal immigrants, Muslims and African Americans.

Now for some of my own grievances:
  • The progressive socialist government knowingly tallies the votes of the deceased people, incarcerated criminals, and illegal aliens in order to win election. While at the same time disregard the votes of our military forces fighting for this country overseas, knowing full well those votes would weigh heavy for the opposition

  • When a state attempts to exercise their 10th Amendment rights to disallow federal legislature to become law in that state The progressive socialist government will file law suits against them, and threaten to withhold funding for education and transportation.

  • When citizens attempt to exercise their 1st Amendment right they are met with “Free Speech Zones” which effectively designate everywhere else a “No Free Speech Zone”. Thousands of Blogs are removed from web servers by “Government Agencies”. Attempts are made to silence bloggers within periods of political campaigns under the guise of Campaign Reform.

  • The progressive socialist government vote for the bail out of companies from whom they receive direct monetary benefit to do so. Corporations protected from bankruptcy when they are known to have violated trade laws and practice predatory lending programs

  • The progressive socialist government passing health care reform, which will cost over a trillion dollars, when the interest on our debt alone is just shy of our GDP. The progressive socialist government has no fiscal responsibility and refuses to cut spending which will inevitably cause the next Great Depression

The point of this exercise is to show you that we are living in an environment now which is just as oppressive as our founders felt warranted our independence from England. The common thread which ties us to that time is our loss of freedom. The methods we use to secure that freedom, if warranted, may be no less severe. That is the nature of our position.

The progressive socialist government, they hold your freedom in their hands. No matter how much you protest, no matter how much you rale against their machinations, shake your fist in their face, they will not restore one iota of your freedom. It is not in their interest. They will look you in the eye with evil intent and grasp one more small bit. This is a game of tug-o-war. Freedom is the rope that holds you from the abyss of communism. Your feet are starting to push the pebbles over the edge. They will not relent. You have to grasp that freedom and pull it from their clutches, because if you don't, you will surely plummet off the edge and there is no one to grasp your flailing hand.

The end is near. Do, or do not. The choice is yours.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

War and Liberty

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriot feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. - John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873) was a British philosopher and civil servant. An influential contributor to social theory, political theory, and political economy, his conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control

Another Hit from the House

This gem comes via The Collins Report

Although Section two, clause one of the Constitution provides for voting members of the House of Representatives to be elected by the states they represent, the Constitution is always only an obstacle to be stepped around for Democrats. Since they are not elected Representatives, the people sent to Washing to by Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, America Samoa and the Virgin Islands are Constitutionally barred from casting meaningful votes. Nevertheless Nancy Pelosi looks at this bunch as five more Democrat votes in the various Committees they are assigned to.

Read the rest HERE

For those of you counting on Hope and Change in November, the Speaker would be the place to start

Monday, July 19, 2010

Police State? You betcha!

In Palm Beach County, Fla., Greenacres resident Peter Ballance, 63, who has Asperger's syndrome and has to record conversations to help his memory, settled a civil lawsuit for $100,000 last year. In August 2005, police officers tackled and arrested Ballance for refusing to turn off his tape recorder.

"You know what," said the officer, according to court documents, "I still don't want that recording device on."

"Well, it's on," Ballance replied.

"It is a third-degree felony," the cop said. "If you want to push it, you can go to jail for it."

"Well, I'm pushing it now," Ballance said.

Ballance snapped pictures of the officers. One of the cops delivered a blindside tackle. Ballance had to be treated for injuries and cardiac symptoms at a hospital on the way to the county jail. At the hospital, officers refused to let Ballance use his recorders to communicate with doctors, court papers said.

Read the rest HERE

So, we are not to question authority and we are to submit under any circumstance. We must allow police to brutalize us, even for non-violent encounters, as THEY see fit. We lose the inalienable right to be free from tyranny.....if a cop says so. Ain't America grand!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

States Rights

Forwarded from Secesh

“I rise, Mr. President, for the purpose of announcing to the Senate that I have satisfactory evidence that the state of Mississippi, by a solemn ordinance of her people in convention assembled, has declared her separation from the United States. Under these circumstances, of course, my functions terminate here. It has seemed to me proper, however, that I should appear in the Senate to announce that fact to my associates, and I will say but little more. It is known to senators who have served with me here, that I have for many years advocated, as an essential attribute of State sovereignty, the right of a State to secede from the Union…I should still, under my theory of government, because of my allegiance to the State of which I am a citizen, have been bound by her action. We but tread in the paths of our fathers when we proclaim our independence and take the hazard…not in hostility to others, not to injure any section of the country, not even for our own pecuniary benefit, but from the high and solemn motive of defending and protecting the rights we inherited, and which it is our duty to transmit unshorn to our children. We will invoke the God of our fathers, who delivered them from the power of the lion, to protect us from the ravages of the bear; and thus, putting our trust in God and in our own firm hearts and strong arms, we will vindicate the right as best we may. I see now around me some with whom I have served long. There have been points of collision; but whatever of offense to me, I leave here. I carry with me no hostile remembrance…I go hence unencumbered by the remembrance of any injury received, and having discharged the duty of making the only reparation in my power for any injury received. Mr. President and Senators, having made the announcement which the occasion seemed to me to require, it remains only for me to bid you a final adieu."

Jefferson Davis, farewell to the Senate and farewell to the United States

Remember the 10th Amendment?

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I bet someone in Arizona is dusting it off.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


"Read it and weep" sounds a bit trite, but somewhat appropriate this time:


Smile, you're on Freedom TV!

Just about everyone carries a mini camera or video recorder in their pocket nowadays. Maybe we should think about using them anytime we observe law enforcement officers and public officials interacting with the public.

Couldn't hurt.

Maybe you'll even get your 15 minutes of fame when you capture the next citizen being gunned down in cold blood.

It won't be long before the tables turn if it keeps going in this direction.

No more Waco's

No more Waco's?

Where's the clue bat? How many of these daily atrocities have we had since 1993?

Erik Scott

By my math it adds up to one heck of a lot of Waco's!

How about a running tally on typical "only ones" behavior:

Injustice Everywhere

Pro Libertate

War on Guns

The Sons of Liberty

In Boston in early summer of 1765 a group of shopkeepers and artisans who called themselves The Loyal Nine, began preparing for agitation against the Stamp Act. As that group grew, it came to be known as the Sons of Liberty. And grow it did! These were not the leading men of Boston, but rather workers and tradesmen. It was unseemly that they would be so agitated by a parliamentary act. Though their ranks did not include Samuel and John Adams, the fact may have been a result of a mutually beneficial agreement. The Adams' and other radical members of the legislature were daily in the public eye; they could not afford to be too closely associated with violence, neither could the secretive Sons of Liberty afford much public exposure. However, amongst the members were two men who could generate much public sentiment about the Act. Benjamin Edes, a printer, and John Gill of the Boston Gazette produced a steady stream of news and opinion. Within a very short time a group of some two thousand men had been organized under Ebenezer McIntosh, a South Boston shoemaker.

The first widely known acts of the Sons took place on August 14, 1765, when an effigy of Andrew Oliver (who was to be commissioned Distributor of Stamps for Massachusetts) was found hanging in a tree on Newbury street, along with a large boot with a devil climbing out of it. The boot was a play on the name of the Earl of Bute and the whole display was intended to establish an evil connection between Oliver and the Stamp Act. The sheriffs were told to remove the display but protested in fear of their lives, for a large crowd had formed at the scene. Before the evening a mob burned Oliver's property on Kilby street, then moved on to his house. There they beheaded the effigy and stoned the house as its occupants looked out in horror. They then moved to nearby Fort Hill were they built a large fire and burned what was left of the effigy. Most of the crowd dissipated at that point, however McIntosh and crew, then under cover of darkness, ransacked Oliver's abandoned home until midnight. On that evening it became very clear who ruled Boston. The British Militia, the Sheriffs and Justices, kept a low profile. No one dared respond to such violent force......

Continue the reading HERE

The usurpation and intrusion of government into our lives is no less now than the early days of the revolution. We are ruled today by our Constitutional Republic form of government just as the Sons of Liberty were ruled by a king. Their contemporaries put to paper the greatest document ever to define a government. Today that government is contemptuous of the restraint for which the document was intended. It is now ignored, and so are you.

The Sons of Liberty ignited the spark of revolution. They had men in key places from which to manipulate their cause. Today there are Patriots in every conceivable place. They had the mass media on their side in those days. We do not have that luxury. We do have the internet, and we have the ability to reach more people more quickly. Sadly, what we don't have is the motivation to do a single thing about it.

We are the frog in the pot and have nothing in common with the Sons of Liberty.